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Story 4. Good Enough

Image Source                       When we were in our Senior year, there was a new teacher. And for some reason, she didn't like me at all. But it was okay because the feeling was mutual. In fact, most of our year didn't like her. Jonathan, on the other hand, considered her his favorite teacher and I have no idea why. She was very smart, but she wasn't kind. I was not special in any way, but s he would often belittle me and my talents.    She always has something to say about me. When she found out that I aspired to be a disc jockey in our local radio station, she would say that the station and its announcers were cheap and boring. During class, she would often correct my slightest mistakes and she would make it seem that I was dumb. And whenever I would talk, she would have this smug look on her face. I would even catch her roll her eyes sometimes. She would also do this to Anna. She was simply a bully. It got to a point that Anna had to tell her parents about

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